Hello everyone and good evening.
My name is Baraka and together with my wife and our son; we serve as pastors in our church in Kisumu, Kenya. We are always grateful for your love, support and prayers.
Allow me to share some of the things we have been up to for the last 2 weeks in our church and on the ministries we are involved in.

About two weeks ago; we were invited by our missionary friends to serve at their church in Kitale Town.
It was a great opportunity to be able to preach and share the gospel of Jesus to their people both in the youth ministry on Saturday and the main service on Sunday.
About 7 youth got saved during the youth service and we are grateful to God.

In the past week, I got to spend time learning from, speaking to and sharing with the youth from our project Year for God. This project aims to sharpen and disciple young men and women for ministry as well as equip them with biblical knowledge. During these interactive sessions, I get to speak about my own life as a youth and answer questions that they have on life and salvation. Great people, great minds, great future in Jesus.

Last Sunday we had a great service in church. Speaking about our Love for Christ and commitment to him as our Lord. I believe that Christ continues to transform people’s lives in this slum community and also the church continues to not only become w by and avenue where people get help but also a place where people encounter healing; redemption, deliverance and revival too. We prayed for healing and we experienced the healing too.

Meeting individuals for counseling and prayer is also part of the duties I undertake as a pastor. My testimony is that This past week I had a meeting with a young teenage girl who after a long conversation; we realized that she was under demonic attack and had not also been saved.
Great news; after leading her to receive Christ as our savior and Lord; e prayed for deliverance from demonic attacks she had been going through. She was set free; demons fled and praise be to Jesus Christ.

Thank you so much for all the prayers you make for us. Gods continues to work and the church continues to be the salt and light of the community.
God bless you.