Kenya 03/07/2024
Hello everybody
My name is Baraka and together with my wife and our son, serve as pastors New life church found in the slums of Kapuothe in Kisumu, Kenya; we continue to thank God for the IMOCE family continuing to help us build this church that has now become a lighthouse in this community. We have been pastors of the church for one and a half years now and we are continuing to see God uplifting the lives of the people in these slums through the gospel that the church has been preaching. We thank God for this great testimony.

Nonetheless, Over the past couple of weeks we have had a lot of rains which has ultimately wreaked havoc to many of the community members and also people who worship with us. The area we are in is a flood prone area but when it rains even more, neighboring rivers burst banks and flood the area including people’s houses. We have tried to help as a church by tried to accommodate people whose houses have been affected by the waters but still we visit them to know the states of their living conditions and know how best we can help; but also use the opportunity to share the love of Christ to them.

We continue to feed people who are vulnerable in the community through our feeding program in the church. We currently have about 86 people in the project who for sure do not sleep hungry because of this project. Our desire is of course to do more and reach more through this project; and above all to preach Jesus and his Love to the people. We continue to thank God for everyone who stands with us in any way to ensure that this project is running. May God bless you.

I would also like to share the testimony of this young girl so recently joined our church. From one of our youth revival prayer evenings; God revealed to us that she was under some form of spiritual attack. Met with her thereafter for a session of prayer and deliverance. She shared her testimony of family background that was rooted in witchcraft and resentment.
She decided to accept Jesus and we prayed for deliverance and freedom. God did a miracle and set her free.

A few days ago; we also met with our church ministry leaders to plan for the coming months ministry and also to evaluate how the first few months of the year have been. I also take these time to encourage them and spur them up spiritually and also pray with them so they can continue to have the zeal to serve God and people.
We thank all of you who stand with us in many different ways and in support. keep us in your prayers too as we continue to serve God, love people and spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ. May God bless you.