Hello, dear brothers and sisters from faraway Cuba! Today we want to share the good news at the church in the village of Ducuruax in Santiago de Cuba, a kindergarten and a Sunday school have already started working. Thanks to everyone for supporting this project. In addition, youth services began this week, and teenagers from other cities were invited.

We would also like to inform you that today we were able to receive medicines for the “Save Lives” project to support pregnant women; the medicines were purchased in Russia with the funds allocated by the mission. Also, these moms receive and support with the necessary things and products. Praise the Lord for your service and participation

We also want to tell you that in the city of Havana, in the Church of the High Hall, a playground is actively working and events for children and adolescents are held.

Today on Sunday, there are two events: in the morning there was an event for the kids from the church, and now, right now, there is a happy time for kids from a remote, impoverished area. Our ministry is still going on today! We thank the Lord for everyone who makes these events possible! Earthly bows to you, dear brothers and sisters! Thank you to all who donate and help the mission. We hope that soon the IMOCE team will be able to visit Cuba too! We invite everyone to visit our country and serve together and expand the Kingdom of God! Be blessed! And ultimately no event happens without a gift: the Word of God! For adults and children!

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