Crisis center “Little Mom” 05.01
Greetings in the New Year 2022 !!!! The “Little Mom” project from the east of Ukraine once again wishes you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year !!!! May the Lord this year be glorified more and more in you and through all of you !!!!!
This festive week was very eventful in our crisis center and adaptation center “Little Mom”
An annual masquerade party took place in our centers.
For its implementation, a specially prepared Children’s holiday program with songs, poems and competitions, delicious gifts. Many thanks to IMOCE Mission and its partner for purchasing sweet gifts for children and decorating holiday tables.
As usual, each mother of the project prepared a festive costume for herself and her child. We also congratulated one of the mothers on her 30th birthday, she already helps other mothers in our ministry and serves in our crisis center “Little Mom”. Holidays are never without gifts! A present for our Christmas tree – a new Mom with four boys in our crisis center “Little Mom”. The children are half-naked, dirty, hungry. We pray that the Lord will help the New Mother find peace with Him and see good changes in the life of the family. We continue to serve God and people together with you. We bless all of you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ !!!!
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