Children Of Victory 06/10/2024
Greetings, friends. Today we want to share news about the “Children of Victory” project. The children have already spent two weeks in the USA, and these have been the most exciting, eventful, and incredible days for them. Children who lost their parents have begun to smile, live, and dream again, thanks to the conditions created for them.
The children have participated in many activities: golf, excursions, fishing, and most importantly, attending services. The families that welcomed the teenagers treated them as their own, which has had a very positive impact on their emotional state.
A particularly wonderful event for the children was Hippotherapy. This treatment method is based on the interaction between a person and a specially trained horse, adapted to the patient’s abilities in mastering horseback riding. The children enjoyed petting the horses, riding them, and just being around them. A trip to the mountains added a special atmosphere.
We are very grateful to all the families who took in the children and to the churches that care for them. Special thanks to Anatoliy Petrovych and Rachel for this project!