Greetings friends, today is Saturday and Ukraine is in touch. We would like to share news from the missionary fields of Ukraine.
We continue the “Feed the Hungry” project, we were able to distribute food packages in the village. North, Donetsk region, for low-income families. We are very grateful to each of you for the opportunity to help people!
The central team of the IMOCE mission started with the Christmas programs and we started from the Dnepropetrovsk region, we were invited by the Solid Rock mission. Children hear the Bible story, play games while learning the golden verse, and sing Christmas songs. The whole project is aimed at non-believing children. The most important thing is that on the eve of different holidays, we are talking about the birth of Christ! Also in the east, we assist in the construction of a prayer house in the Toshkivka, Donetsk region. Friends, we are very grateful to all of you for the opportunity to serve, to practice virtue, God bless you!

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